Color Book Printing

When you want to print a book that is going to be all in color, it can still be done using digital book printing or offset book printing.  It is very important to work closely with the printer and the designer to make sure the files are going to be submitted in the proper format.  The interior of color books are most likely going to need a bleed (an area around the trim size of the book that is going to be cut off when the book is produced) and having the file done correctly will save a lot of time when the files are submitted.

Printing only a portion of the book in color can be done but it is much more expensive then black and white printing and often times it is cheaper to simply have the book be printed on a color press, even if only a third or half the pages are in color.  If you want to have a color signature in your book, one group of pages that is color, that can work, but that will also increase the cost.

Quality Color Book Printing

Color offset book printing is still the highest quality and it is not hard to tell the difference between a color book that is printed digitally and one that is not.  The one that is printed offset has a deeper and richer color quality.  There are still a number of factors to consider in deciding which method to use, but for a top quality photography or children’s book, offset color printing is the way to go.

Cost of Color Book Printing

Digital color printing is still very expensive, especially for hard cover books.  Given the cost and the quality differences with color offset book printing, it is well worth it to find a quality offset printer and find out what the price of 500 books would be before printing 200 books with a color digital printer.  Most children’s books for example, need to sell in a very narrow price range, so if your printing price is too high, then the entire model will not work.  Keep all these factors in mind while selecting the method and the printer for your color book.

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